government-owned companies of new zealand 뜻
- 뉴질랜드의 공기업
- government-owned companies: 공기업
- companies: 사업; 회사
- companies of new zealand: 뉴질랜드의 기업
- new: phrase, net economic welfare new a,
- new zealand: phrase, 뉴질랜드(남태평양의
- zealand: noun, 덴마크최대의 섬
- government-owned companies by country: 나라별 공기업
- government-owned companies of algeria: 알제리의 공기업
- government-owned companies of azerbaijan: 아제르바이잔의 공기업
- government-owned companies of belgium: 벨기에의 공기업
- government-owned companies of brazil: 브라질의 공기업
- government-owned companies of cambodia: 캄보디아의 공기업
- government-owned companies of china: 중화인민공화국의 공기업
- government-owned companies of croatia: 크로아티아의 공기업
- government-owned companies of cyprus: 키프로스의 공기업
기타 단어
- "government-owned companies of mauritius" 뜻
- "government-owned companies of mexico" 뜻
- "government-owned companies of myanmar" 뜻
- "government-owned companies of namibia" 뜻
- "government-owned companies of nepal" 뜻
- "government-owned companies of norway" 뜻
- "government-owned companies of pakistan" 뜻
- "government-owned companies of peru" 뜻
- "government-owned companies of poland" 뜻
- "government-owned companies of namibia" 뜻
- "government-owned companies of nepal" 뜻
- "government-owned companies of norway" 뜻
- "government-owned companies of pakistan" 뜻